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At Concilium Global, we firmly believe that children are a precious gift from God, created in His image, with great potential to fulfill His plans for their lives. As adult parents, teachers, and care givers, it is incumbent on us to create and maintain safe, nurturing environments in which children can thrive.The protection of ALL children, requires a proactive approach! Concilium Global can assist you in the development of Biblical safeguards that empower the protection of children under your care.


Our highly trained and qualified professionals are ready to assist you in the development of policies and procedures to properly protect children under your care. They will explain proper screening procedures of employees and child care providers; explain mandated reporting procedures; provide definitions and understanding of types of abuse; how to respond to initial reports; identity and explain the role of mandatory reporters; and develop different types of follow-up care.


When appropriate, and in compliance with the law, Concilium Global is able to direct and conduct thorough and confidential investigations on your behalf.  


To discuss how Concilium Global can serve you in child safety, please contact us at: 

Concilium Global

P.O. Box 98

Liberty, Missouri, 64069


Toll Free: 1-833-265-SAFE

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